
Built By She - Hey Chicken Little, The Sky Isn't Falling - Woman Falling Through the Sky

Hey There Chicken Little, The Sky Isn’t Falling

Oh crap! Son of a bi@#$! Ever find yourself using these phrases several times a day? Usually, when no one else is around? What the hell with this traffic? Is it me or is every one driving slower than usual? My suitcase went missing on a direct flight? From the MidWest? How come this thing didn’t charge when I plugged it in?! Why are you distracting me with this crap when I’m already under water. Some days it seems like it’s you versus the universe. Take cover because it’s all coming down. Except, it’s not. You can check the weather, but as it turns out the sky isn’t falling, Chicken Little.

When we see things not going according to plan, the easy thing to do is to file that under conspiracy with a capital “C.”

Here’s the thing – the world is not conspiring against you, but something else is happening. Whether you’re all about spiritual balance in the cosmic continuum, or you feel like consequences are the direct results of your actions alone, positive and negative energy is at the heart of all it.

Built By She - Hey Chicken Little, The Sky Isn't Falling - Frustrated Woman Working At Desk In Design Studio

Are you hanging out where you need to be? Are you surrounding yourself with the right crew? Spending too much time calling on friends that aren’t calling you back? When you’re looking around, are there more people teaching you something? Collaborating with you? Are there more people having your back than not?

Launching a business is not for the weak, we already know that. What are you tacking onto this that’s making it more complicated?

Unconscious biases?

-Accepting workplace politics replace over logical decision-making?

-Supporting Groupthink over creativity?

-Allowing complacency and towing the line?

Just because Summer is HERE doesn’t mean Spring Cleaning is O-V-A. While you got that trash bag open, toss it all out.  Rid yourself of what doesn’t serve you. Say, Bye Felicia to all the biting rain flies and mosquitoes chomping on you. The negativity is sucking a little bit more of your energy each time.

Built By She - Hey Chicken Little, The Sky Isn't Falling - Friends dancing among bright sunbeams

Connecting to people who believe in us is the pathway to success. Spending time with those sucking our energy tank dry is a colossal waste of our time. I promise you.

So switch up that energy. Exchange your status quo for a new beginning and start creating something good.

Ooh look! The sun is peeking through the clouds. Put away your umbrella, Chicken Little. The sky isn’t falling. Not for you.

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Thank you for supporting Built By She and for your interest in our beta community. We would be honored to help you in your endeavors and are energized by your commitment to advance your companies.

As we continue to grow ourselves, Built By She will be taking a short hiatus to assess the next steps in how to best cultivate and support our community. Rest assured, we will be back with a vengeance but need to briefly hit the ‘pause’ button on our growth to better understand how we can best serve you. That said, for the next few months we will not be producing content, holding events, or performing assessments.

Please stay tuned, as we will announce our plans for the relaunch in the near future. We look forward to coming back better equipped than ever to help develop your businesses! Thank you again for all of your support.